Our practice is proud of the dentistry that we provide for you and your family. Our goal is not just to correct any dental problems you may have, but also to show you how to prevent dental disease in the future, and to save you time and unnecessary expense.
The long-term success of the treatment we provide depends on the care of your teeth and gums at home and keeping all recommended professional cleanings within the recommended time frames. These appointments include periodic examinations by the dentist of the teeth, gums, bone, oral cavity, throat, muscles of the head and neck, as well as oral cancer screenings, x-rays, cleanings, and fluoride treatments. The products we recommend for you and the frequency of visits depend on your individual condition. Visits may be every 2, 3, 4, or 6 months, depending on your oral health.
With that in mind, we offer the following limited dental warranties for the investment you have made in preserving your oral health.
Dental Sealants
If our dental sealants are in need of repair with normal use during a period of 3 years from the date of initial placement, we will replace or repair them at no additional charge.
Composite Fillings
If our composite fillings fracture with normal use during a period of 2 years from the date of initial placement, we will replace or repair them at no additional charge.
All Porcelain Crowns, Bridges, Inlays, Onlays, and Porcelain Veneers
We will warranty these and most comprehensive procedures for 3 years. We will replace or repair them at no charge during this 3 year period if they break, are lost, or decay with normal use. (This does not include accidents that could also break normal healthy teeth.)
Dentures and Partials
We will warranty dentures and partials for a period of 5 years if a tooth or the denture breaks under normal use. Accidents such as dropping your denture are not covered. Due to the nature of dentures, we cannot guarantee your comfort or ability to accommodate these artificial replacements. Patients with any natural teeth must keep up with the prescribed recare (exam) appointments and x-rays to allow us to properly monitor and maintain the restorations or this warranty is null and void (minimum recall every 6 months).
Dental Implants
If our implants fracture or fail within a period of 7 years following the initial surgical placement, we will replace or repair any fractured or failing implant at no charge or refund your fee at our discretion.
To keep this warranty valid, you must: 1.) maintain uninterrupted membership in our practice. 2.) keep your prescribed regular continuing care appointments (with no appointment varying more than (15) fifteen days of our recommended schedule). 3.) maintain your account in good standing and 4.) have all recommended dental treatment(s) performed by the doctors at Dental Excellence, including the treatment of jaw-occlusal dysfunction and use of bruxism guards, if recommended. This warranty does not include anything not mentioned above, including gum line desensitization, root canal therapy, night guards, nor does it cover damage to teeth or dental prosthesis caused by accidents, trauma, neglect or improper use (e.g., grinding, clenching, chewing ice or biting non food items).
As you can see, we are confident of the durability of our treatment as prescribed for you. The primary key to your long-term success is spending a few minutes a day on your home care, brushing, flossing, fluoride, and prescribed products. The second key to success is regular professional examinations, cleaning, X-ray films and fluoride treatment (2, 3, 4, & 6 month intervals depending on your condition). This warranty does not cover accidents that cause damage to teeth or dental prosthesis.
Failure to have these regular visits with our office voids all warranties. Help us to help you maintain your teeth for a lifetime!
The long-term success of the treatment we provide depends on the care of your teeth and gums at home and keeping all recommended professional cleanings within the recommended time frames. These appointments include periodic examinations by the dentist of the teeth, gums, bone, oral cavity, throat, muscles of the head and neck, as well as oral cancer screenings, x-rays, cleanings, and fluoride treatments. The products we recommend for you and the frequency of visits depend on your individual condition. Visits may be every 2, 3, 4, or 6 months, depending on your oral health.
With that in mind, we offer the following limited dental warranties for the investment you have made in preserving your oral health.
Dental Sealants
If our dental sealants are in need of repair with normal use during a period of 3 years from the date of initial placement, we will replace or repair them at no additional charge.
Composite Fillings
If our composite fillings fracture with normal use during a period of 2 years from the date of initial placement, we will replace or repair them at no additional charge.
All Porcelain Crowns, Bridges, Inlays, Onlays, and Porcelain Veneers
We will warranty these and most comprehensive procedures for 3 years. We will replace or repair them at no charge during this 3 year period if they break, are lost, or decay with normal use. (This does not include accidents that could also break normal healthy teeth.)
Dentures and Partials
We will warranty dentures and partials for a period of 5 years if a tooth or the denture breaks under normal use. Accidents such as dropping your denture are not covered. Due to the nature of dentures, we cannot guarantee your comfort or ability to accommodate these artificial replacements. Patients with any natural teeth must keep up with the prescribed recare (exam) appointments and x-rays to allow us to properly monitor and maintain the restorations or this warranty is null and void (minimum recall every 6 months).
Dental Implants
If our implants fracture or fail within a period of 7 years following the initial surgical placement, we will replace or repair any fractured or failing implant at no charge or refund your fee at our discretion.
To keep this warranty valid, you must: 1.) maintain uninterrupted membership in our practice. 2.) keep your prescribed regular continuing care appointments (with no appointment varying more than (15) fifteen days of our recommended schedule). 3.) maintain your account in good standing and 4.) have all recommended dental treatment(s) performed by the doctors at Dental Excellence, including the treatment of jaw-occlusal dysfunction and use of bruxism guards, if recommended. This warranty does not include anything not mentioned above, including gum line desensitization, root canal therapy, night guards, nor does it cover damage to teeth or dental prosthesis caused by accidents, trauma, neglect or improper use (e.g., grinding, clenching, chewing ice or biting non food items).
As you can see, we are confident of the durability of our treatment as prescribed for you. The primary key to your long-term success is spending a few minutes a day on your home care, brushing, flossing, fluoride, and prescribed products. The second key to success is regular professional examinations, cleaning, X-ray films and fluoride treatment (2, 3, 4, & 6 month intervals depending on your condition). This warranty does not cover accidents that cause damage to teeth or dental prosthesis.
Failure to have these regular visits with our office voids all warranties. Help us to help you maintain your teeth for a lifetime!